Friday, June 18, 2010

Just a small thought on The End

I realized the other day that something was still nagging me about The End. Jack is lying in his bamboo graveyard looking up in the sky, taking in his last few breaths, when all the sudden he sees a plane fly over...and he grins. He knows that his friends are saved and that they will fly back to civilization. His sister, Claire, will finally be reunited with her son, Aaron. His ex-fiance, Kate, will hopefully find peace and happiness being free. Vincent comes to lay beside Jack as he dies and we see the conclusion of the sideways world.

And thing is still bothering me. How are we supposed to believe that the Ajira plane and it's passengers were able to get away from the island? When Desmond tried to leave the island, he just kept going in circles and we found out from Ben that Michael and Walt had to keep the boat at a specific bearing in order to get away. Did Sawyer just happen to remember that bearing and tell Frank? Maybe Miles remembered the bearing from coming in on the freighter or maybe even Frank remembered it from coming in on the helicopter? But was the bearing even the same after the island moved? Perhaps Hurley, as the new island leader, was able to get rid of the bearing once and for all?

I want to know that our few survivors were actually able to make it away from the island. The island that had caused them so much pain. Sawyer had fallen in love with Juliet but lost her there. Kate had struggled with being trapped on the island, she needed to be free. Claire had lost Aaron there and missed his childhood. So much loss, so much pain....were they able to finally be free?

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