Thursday, June 3, 2010

The End

So, the LOST finale was a little over a week and a half ago and I am one of those people that's in mourning. I grew to love the characters on this show like no others and I truly felt like I had been one of the survivors of Oceanic 815, walking along with them as they treked across the island, asking questions along the way, finding answers in unexpected places and finally gathering with my fellow castaways to face whatever new adventure awaits us on the other side. I owe this journey and all of my love and respect to the writers and actors and all of the other people that created and made this show what it was for five and half years. I've grown to love them too. Upon reading Jorge Garcia's blog post from May 31st, I cried for Nunu as though she were my own. While watching the Lost Times Talk videos, I wanted to hug Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse for giving me this awesome experience but also to tell them not to take too long to give us something new. I wish I could thank everyone for letting me share not only in their story, but also in their real lives, even if it was just a small part of it. Giving us that opportunity, to see that they were as invested in their audience's enjoyment of this show as we all were invested in watching it, made it that much more special.  Like Ben, I know I'm not quite ready to let go and I have already found myself wanting to go back and experience it all over again, knowing even that this time around won't be exactly the same as the first.

I still have questions, as many of us do. That fact does nothing to detract from my pure satisfaction with the finale. I do find that the questions that remain for me are not "What was the island?" or "Who was Mother really?", but instead, I want to know more about the intentions and thoughts of the storytellers. "Did you ever have a name for Jacob's brother, and if so, why did you decide not to use it?" "What was your original intention/direction for Mr Eko? What storyline did you have fleshed out that you ended up having to scrap due to the actor's exit from the show?"  I want to know the rest of the story. If something I'm curious about is something they never thought about or wanted to tell, I'm good with that, but if they had a story to tell, but didn't, what was that story and why wasn't it told? I'm going to be thinking through some of these questions and posting them here....hopefully it'll be interesting to read. Possibly it will be something that you'll want to add to. And in my wildest dreams, maybe it'll draw some response from the only ones that have the answers. But no matter what, at least it will be somewhere that I can show my appreciation for the craft that has moved my heart and soul.

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