Monday, September 13, 2010

Arghh! I really miss Hawaii

I have never ever ever felt like this before. :P I visited Hawaii back in February and ever since, it is all I can think about. I completely distract myself sometimes from what I'm doing because I'll randomly have a thought of being on the beach watching the Lost filming or of going to Sunset Beach with my cousin and her family, or even of them meeting me at the airport the day I landed. I had such a great relaxing time and the people there and the land/water itself was just mesmerizing! I can't stop thinking about it. I've already planned and bought my tickets for a trip early next year, but I can't wait! All I want to do is go back and never leave. Am I going crazy?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Love this idea

So...I've tried to keep up with Jorge Garcia's blogs and his most recent post has a link to a site called "My Life is Lost". I love the idea. Just a place for folks that have had lost-themed experiences in their daily lives to let everyone else hear about them. My favorite so far: The other day I convinced my friend to try a new drink and he really liked it. As he sipped it, I put my hand on his shoulder and said, "You're like me now".

How funny is that? I know there have been multiple instances of these type of occasions in my life since I started watching LOST six years ago....I'll be trying to think of some this weekend. What fun it could be if this site were filled with LOST fans' shared experiences of LOST out in the "real world"! I know I'll be keeping up with this site...will you?

Friday, June 18, 2010

Just a small thought on The End

I realized the other day that something was still nagging me about The End. Jack is lying in his bamboo graveyard looking up in the sky, taking in his last few breaths, when all the sudden he sees a plane fly over...and he grins. He knows that his friends are saved and that they will fly back to civilization. His sister, Claire, will finally be reunited with her son, Aaron. His ex-fiance, Kate, will hopefully find peace and happiness being free. Vincent comes to lay beside Jack as he dies and we see the conclusion of the sideways world.

And thing is still bothering me. How are we supposed to believe that the Ajira plane and it's passengers were able to get away from the island? When Desmond tried to leave the island, he just kept going in circles and we found out from Ben that Michael and Walt had to keep the boat at a specific bearing in order to get away. Did Sawyer just happen to remember that bearing and tell Frank? Maybe Miles remembered the bearing from coming in on the freighter or maybe even Frank remembered it from coming in on the helicopter? But was the bearing even the same after the island moved? Perhaps Hurley, as the new island leader, was able to get rid of the bearing once and for all?

I want to know that our few survivors were actually able to make it away from the island. The island that had caused them so much pain. Sawyer had fallen in love with Juliet but lost her there. Kate had struggled with being trapped on the island, she needed to be free. Claire had lost Aaron there and missed his childhood. So much loss, so much pain....were they able to finally be free?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I just loathe the fact that I haven't posted in almost ten days. I had completely planned on posting at least every other day and here I am on my 3rd post and I've already fallen off that bandwagon. :P I guess I better get busy.

Monday, June 7, 2010

You know that feeling...

You know when you are *that* close to finishing a book and you just can't seem to catch a break? You start reading those last few pages and the phone rings...and it's your best friend, so you know you've got to answer. A half-hour later, you're hunkered down in your comfy chair, ready to finish it up and.....the doorbell rings. And of course you can see through the window that it's your neighbor who has been wanting to talk to you about the holes your dog's been digging under the fence. oops! By the time that conversation is over, the tv show you've been wanting to watch is on (of course) and you realize that the only time you're going to have are those precious few moments before you drift off to sleep.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The End

So, the LOST finale was a little over a week and a half ago and I am one of those people that's in mourning. I grew to love the characters on this show like no others and I truly felt like I had been one of the survivors of Oceanic 815, walking along with them as they treked across the island, asking questions along the way, finding answers in unexpected places and finally gathering with my fellow castaways to face whatever new adventure awaits us on the other side. I owe this journey and all of my love and respect to the writers and actors and all of the other people that created and made this show what it was for five and half years. I've grown to love them too. Upon reading Jorge Garcia's blog post from May 31st, I cried for Nunu as though she were my own. While watching the Lost Times Talk videos, I wanted to hug Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse for giving me this awesome experience but also to tell them not to take too long to give us something new. I wish I could thank everyone for letting me share not only in their story, but also in their real lives, even if it was just a small part of it. Giving us that opportunity, to see that they were as invested in their audience's enjoyment of this show as we all were invested in watching it, made it that much more special.  Like Ben, I know I'm not quite ready to let go and I have already found myself wanting to go back and experience it all over again, knowing even that this time around won't be exactly the same as the first.

I still have questions, as many of us do. That fact does nothing to detract from my pure satisfaction with the finale. I do find that the questions that remain for me are not "What was the island?" or "Who was Mother really?", but instead, I want to know more about the intentions and thoughts of the storytellers. "Did you ever have a name for Jacob's brother, and if so, why did you decide not to use it?" "What was your original intention/direction for Mr Eko? What storyline did you have fleshed out that you ended up having to scrap due to the actor's exit from the show?"  I want to know the rest of the story. If something I'm curious about is something they never thought about or wanted to tell, I'm good with that, but if they had a story to tell, but didn't, what was that story and why wasn't it told? I'm going to be thinking through some of these questions and posting them here....hopefully it'll be interesting to read. Possibly it will be something that you'll want to add to. And in my wildest dreams, maybe it'll draw some response from the only ones that have the answers. But no matter what, at least it will be somewhere that I can show my appreciation for the craft that has moved my heart and soul.